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Резерв WMR 0.00 Резерв WMZ 0.08
Резерв WME 0.00 Резерв Yandex RUR 50000

Резерв по системе Альфа-Клик 175000 Резерв по системе ВТБ-Онлайн 80000.95
Резерв по системе Сбербанк OnLine 550000 Резерв по Банку Тинькоф 100000
Резерв на банковские переводы 275000 Резерв на выплаты наличными 900000
Резерв по банку Русский Стандарт 100000 Резерв по картам VISA/Mastercard 75000

47.00 Курс USD изменился, предыдущий курс  48 Изменение курса USD
50.00 Изменение курса EUR

Skype: denwmirk
+7 3952 420-548
+7 3952 666-156

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ПН - ПТ 05:00 - 16:00
СБ Выходной
ВС Выходной
Мы работаем (время Иркутское)
ПН - ПТ 10:00 - 21:00
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Home »  wiki » Webmoney - Introduction


This Internet site represents the international payment system in the city of Irkutsk. What is it and what for it is necessary? Let's try to answer these questions. First of all, WebMoney (WM) is MONEY, more precisely, it is  money equivalent operations  which are used on the global Internet. Unlike usual money  WM doesn't depend on territorial, state or political borders, they can be used for calculations everywhere where there is an Internet.

At present electronic money became the currency standard which is accepted in the majority of Internet shops. It should be noted that except WMT there are western analogs of E-Gold, PayPal, IntGold, etc. which joined economy  for a long time and became its integral part. Internet development goes promptly, it is promoted by progressive distribution WMT and the technologies of  Internet. Every day tens new resources and about 2000 new users are connected to system.  Today you can pay purchases of domains, order a hosting for a site, play online games, stake on sites of the bookmaker organizations, pay for advertizing, buy displays of banners or the spaces etc., etc. Many Russian providers and mobile network operators  accept payment for the services on WMT. Moreover, you can accept payment for your services, earn on advertizing, sell the software, work at the stock and financial exchanges, invest other projects, generally, you can  conduct high-grade economic life in electronic space of  Internet. Everything   is made without coming off the computer in real time with a minimum of efforts and a maximum of conveniences and economy.

The majority of users in a network, anyway, heard, and perhaps, faced WM abbreviation, but to understand that disappears behind it, it was possible not for everybody. The electronic payment system WMT (or it is simple WM) appeared  in November, 1998. Since then much time have passed and for this period WM became the reliable, convenient and recognized electronic currency which is widely used in Internet. More than 1 300 000 participants of system are registered at present.

As well as any other payment system, it is very convenient for commission of monetary operations on the Internet. Its main advantages, unlike traditional types of calculation are instantaneousness of transfers, simplicity, safety, possibility of anonymous use. Besides, there are  mechanisms of  protection transfers, voluntary certifications of the users are realized. It lets  unequivocally  identify the participant, there are possibilities of credit operations – you can give out and obtain the credits, buy and sell account and it is not all.

The system develops constantly and improved,  new services, new possibilities are added. If you want  to start working with WM, it is necessary for you to be registered.