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Резерв по системе Альфа-Клик 175000 Резерв по системе ВТБ-Онлайн 80000.95
Резерв по системе Сбербанк OnLine 550000 Резерв по Банку Тинькоф 100000
Резерв на банковские переводы 275000 Резерв на выплаты наличными 900000
Резерв по банку Русский Стандарт 100000 Резерв по картам VISA/Mastercard 75000

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50.00 Изменение курса EUR

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Home »  wiki » Webmoney - Validation


When WebMoney systemwas quite small, all of its users were anonymous. This led to the fact  that the participants exchange transactions do not trust each other, for fear of deceits from his counterpart .This prevented many honest online businesses conduct their business online and use WebMoney as a payment. For any purchases and sales over the Internet buyer has to pay the money first, without seeing the product. And this requires a certain degree of trust between the parties, because the Internet is virtual, and we cannot catch a cheater .The anonymity, that many so valued  is slowing development of WebMoney and Internet businesses to trade across the Web.

So it was decided toimplement a system of passport. in the fact that any user  doesn’t use anonymity, giving the system their passport details and other personal information and received a passport of WebMoney. Results were not long in coming: the credibility of those who received the passport, increased sharply.People began to safely transfer money to qualified participants, paying in advance for not yet received the goods or services not provided.
Passport is obtainedonline resource, is thus a guarantee of his honesty and integrity.This is the main and primary function of the passport WebMoney.

Youmay have a question: what prevents a partner  to the passport and then "throw" of someone taking advantage of new found confidence?First, the certificate is issued for a specific passport details  and, therefore, if the certificate is blocked, then get it a second time will be impossible, because not only passport will be blocked , also passport details of the owner. People who will be blocked in this system ,will never be able to use Webmoney. Second, if the theft will be so serious and the victim will beprincipal ,that the case goes to court, the WMT, as a respectable company that will give investigators information about the certified partner.

Thus, the credibility of their certificates from other parties is justified. Certificate holder risks, and therefore will   behave honestly and openly. Of course, this is true only if a certificate is not falsified and issued   by the present passport details. Therefore, ensuringthe authenticity of certificates issued - perhaps the most basic task of the Center certification.
Let's look atthe firstterms:
Verification service- subdivision in WMT, that issue WM passports to WebMoney Users. Website is located at hthttps://passport.wmtransfer.com/

WM Passport - electronic passport, that is obtained by WM user that provided his valid passport and other personal information to WebMoney and as a result refused to be anonymous.

Registrar - person, who was granted the right to issue WM passports to other WebMoney users. Verification service is also a Registrar.
Now  I want to say a fewwords about what WM passport is. This is electronic passport  or, in other words, an internal WebMoney-passport, which recorded the data of the holder's passport and other personal information (name, address, registration and residence, date and place of birth, etc.). WebMoney Passports exist only in electronic form, any issuance of paper evidence is not provided. You can check availability of passport  of the any WM user, as well as view the information available about him on website of Verification Center at  https://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/certView.asp?wmid=WMID, where you should substitute "WMID" to exxact number of WMID you want to verify.

For example you can see our WM passport by the link https://passport.wmtransfer.com/asp/CertView.asp?wmid=559818853628